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Recovering from Varicose Vein Treatment: What to Expect

Recovering from Varicose Vein Treatment: What to Expect

Most varicose vein treatments are minimally invasive, and recovery is typically straightforward with minimal downtime.

Board-certified vascular surgeon Dr. Gary Nackman includes the most advanced vascular treatment options at NJ Vein Care and Aesthetics Center in Oradell and Clifton, New Jersey.

In this blog, Dr. Nackman and his team explain what to expect after varicose vein treatments, offering guidance on ensuring a smooth and swift recovery.

Understanding varicose vein treatment

Most varicose vein treatments aim to collapse and seal the damaged vein. This treatment causes the body to reroute blood flow to nearby healthy veins, improving circulation and eliminating the swelling, pain, and other health complications of varicose veins.

These treatments also eliminate aesthetic concerns as your body absorbs the tissue debris left behind after sealing the vein, removing the discoloration and other cosmetic issues caused by the damaged vein.

What types of varicose vein treatments are available?

Varicose vein treatments offered at NJ Vein Care and Aesthetics Center include:


Venefit is a minimally invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to seal varicose veins. Dr. Nackman inserts a small tube (catheter) into the targeted vein during this in-office procedure. He gains access to the vein via a small, puncture-type incision.

Pulses of energy, delivered via specialized fibers within the catheter, cause the vein to collapse and close.


Sclerotherapy is one of the most common treatments for smaller varicose and spider veins. During sclerotherapy, Dr. Nackman injects a solution directly into the affected veins that causes them to scar and close.

There are several types of sclerosing agents used for sclerotherapy. Depending on the size and type of vein targeted for treatment, Dr. Nackman may recommend FDA-approved Asclera® (polidocanol). 

When injected into the affected veins, Asclera damages the endothelium (cells lining the inside of blood vessels), causing the vein to collapse.

For large veins, Dr. Nackman may recommend a foam solution such as Varithena®. The foam solution has a similar effect to liquid sclerosants but allows better contact with the walls of large veins.


Microphlebectomy is another minimally invasive treatment Dr. Nackman may use to remove residual vein tissue once he seals the targeted vein. While incisions are necessary for this procedure, they’re small puncture-type or stab incisions that may not require stitches.

What should I expect after varicose vein treatment?

Your recovery phase and aftercare measures can vary depending on the vein size and type of treatment used. Dr. Nackman will provide instructions and explain expectations specific to your situation.

Generally, however, recovery after varicose vein treatment may include:

Compression stockings

After the procedure, wearing compression stockings for about a week can help reduce swelling, improve circulation, and help with healing.

Temporary activity modification

We recommend avoiding vigorous physical activity, heavy lifting, and prolonged standing or sitting for a few days to a week after the procedure.

However, you should be able to walk immediately afterward, and we encourage you to do so since this can reduce the risk of blood clots and aid in healing.

Pain management

You might experience some pain or discomfort after the procedure. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be helpful. However, always consult your physician before taking any medication.

Wound care

The small incisions typically heal quickly and might not even require stitches. However, it's essential to keep them clean and dry and monitor for signs of infection as outlined on your post-treatment instruction sheet.

Bruising and swelling

It's normal to experience some bruising and swelling after varicose vein treatments, which usually fade quickly. Periodically elevating the treated leg can help reduce swelling.


Make sure to attend follow-up appointments as directed by Dr. Nackman. These visits are an opportunity to monitor your healing process, check for any complications, and answer any questions you may have.

Schedule an evaluation today at NJ Vein Care and Aesthetics Center in Oradell and Clifton, New Jersey, by calling the office or requesting an appointment online.


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