What Are The Types Of Veins On My Legs?
There are three types of veins that you can see on the skin of your legs and feet. The smallest are called spider or thread veins. They are red in color and less than 1 mm in diameter. Reticular veins are 1-3 mm in diameter and are typically blue or purple in color. The largest are varicose veins, which are more than 3 mm in diameter and are bulging.
Usually, spider and reticular veins do not cause any pain. However, they may be present when other more serious vein problems exist. A vascular surgeon that specializes in vein problems can diagnose whether your problem is just cosmetic or a medical concern using ultrasound.
Spider and reticular veins can be treated cosmetically using a variety of techniques, ranging from sclerotherapy, laser, intense pulsed light, or veinwave treatments. Winter time is the perfect time to perform these cosmetic procedures so your legs are ready for the beach!