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Winter Is Not Just Coming, But Is Here!

This month, we introduce musing by our skin goddess Georgiana!

  Winter has its own challenges to our skin. The dry air, cold weather and temperature changes can cause many skin problems. These include dryness, cracking, flaking, irritation and the dreaded winter itch.  An underlying cause of "Winter Skin" is water loss from your skin. This accentuates the appearance of wrinkles, and complexion problems including redness and irritation. 

What is the solution to Winter Skin?

Improving your moisturizing routine can help tremendously. We recommend HA5 from SkinMedica! 

  HA5 delivers both immediate and long term benefits demonstrated in their clinical studies. There is an instant improvement in moisture and a long term benefit of smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles along with better skin texture. Plump hydrated skin is healthy skin!

  Georgiana is our "Skin Goddess" !  After 32 years of experience, research, education and consulting in the beauty field, including the past 20 years as a New York and New Jersey licensed aesthetician, Georgiana brings her expertise at the forefront of today's leading-edge aesthetic treatments and anti-aging breakthroughs to the patients of The Aesthetics Center at NJ VeinCare.

"My goal is to bring each client's skin to its un-comprised potential of optimum health & beauty in a safe and effective manner utilizing only the very latest, all natural, medically based technologies available."

  If you would like to discuss your skin needs please call the office or email Georgiana for an appointment.  As always, should you have any questions or concerns about your health, please contact me.

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